Cookies policy

Cookies are small data files stored on your computer or smart phone by a web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari). Cookies are the way websites get memory that allows them to recognise users and to respond adequately. You can obtain additional information on cookies and their management or deletion by visiting the following homepage

How do we use cookies?

We use cookies (small text files, which are stored on a device) in order to provide and develop our services. We use them to customise our (web) content and make it relevant to a specific target audience. The use of cookies enables us to provide better real time and customised services, supplying you with the content of your interest. Cookies do not have any adverse effect on your device or data stored on it.

You can manage cookies, e.g. using the management function of your web browser. You can find more detailed information on cookies in the confidentiality, protection or instruction documents of your browser. Considering that cookies determine the functions of particular services, disabling or deleting cookies (in your browser or other menus) may weaken the functionality and user communication on various online services. For example, you may not be able to logon to online services or use all the functions, and you may also lose some settings.

You can access further information on the use and management of our cookies here:

  • Internet Explorer browser
  • Google Chrome browser
  • Mozilla Firefox browser

Cookie Consent

By using the website, you have given your consent to us

  • to aggregate information on how you use this website, e.g. how often you visit it and which pages you look at. (the information retained cannot be linked to a particular individual);
  • to collect and store information on what web browser and type of hardware you use to visit our website;
  • to customise the site and its content depending on the information collected from your most recent visit.

Please don’t use our website if you do not want to have any cookies associated with our website stored on your computer or smart phone.

What types of third party cookies are used by?
  • Mandatory cookies
    These cookies are required to enable you to visit and browse the website freely and to use all its functions, that is, to access information on our services and to purchase them. These cookies identify your device, but they do not disclose your identity, and they do not collect and aggregate information. Without these cookies, the website is unable to function properly, it unable to provide you with all the relevant information fegarding the services you  require and connect to your profile or enable you to accept a service. These cookies are stored on your device until you close your web browser.
  • Functional cookies
    Through the use of functional cookies, our website remembers your settings and selected options, enabling you to use the website in a more convenient way. These cookies are stored on your device permanently or for a long period of time.
  • Analytical cookies
    Analytical cookies collect information on how customers use our website; they establish the frequently visited pages, including the content you choose, when browsing the site. This information is used for the purpose of analysis in order to determine the interests of the visitors, and to improve the functionality of the website, making it even more user friendly. Analytical cookies identify your device only, but they do not disclose your identity. In some cases our analytical cookies are managed on behalf of us and upon our instructions and specified objectives by third persons – data processors (operators), e.g. Google AdWords.

How to reject the reception of cookies?

Even if you have accepted cookies initially, you can block or delete them from your device at any time, using the settings of your browser. On most website browsers you can choose a setting disabling any cookies or you can accept cookies only from a particular website. All modern browsers allow you to change the cookie settings. These settings are usually accessible on the browser’s option or preference menu.

We use cookies. By continuing to use the website, you accept our cookies. Our cookie policy.